Selene Yachts Australia
Selene Yachts Australia

A new Selene owner and his adventures


Selene Yachts are designed and built to ensure their owners and crew can cross oceans and explore in safety and comfort.  David Heathcote had that exact goal in mind when he purchased Calypso, a Selene 59 Classic Explorer originally built by well-known adventurer Dick Smith.  I spoke to David while he was anchored near Bruny Island in Tasmania to learn first-hand why he chose Selene, and to hear about his experiences and adventures on board Calypso.
When I ask David “why a Selene” he starts by outlining his cruising plans.  These include regular visits to Tasmania, and up along the east coast to the Torres Strait, and of course the many places in between.  This sort of cruising meant a displacement yacht was the obvious choice.  David did considerable research on several brands of displacement yacht and finally settled on Selene.  When I asked why Selene, he said it was a combination of liveability, seaworthiness, range, and fuel economy.  He was also swayed by an in-depth review of Selene 59 on YouTube by Nordhaven expert, James Knight (link below)
The end result was the purchase of Calypso from Bobbin Head in Sydney.  
While David has had boats all his life, Calypso was more than twice the length of his previous boat and with more sophisticated systems.  The calm waters of the Hawkesbury River proved the ideal place to get to know Calypso before venturing offshore.  David spent time with a professional skipper, as well as time with friends who would also be crew on David’s first ocean voyage.  With several systems to learn, David’s advice is to focus on one system at a time.   Feeling ready to head south David departed Bobbin Head with 2 mates for crew and made his way to Hastings Victoria stopping at Bateman’s Bay, Lakes Entrance, and of course the beautiful Refuge Cove.  All went well on this first trip where David and his crew continued to build experience and confidence on Calypso.
After a short stay at Hastings, it was time to transit Bass Strait and head down the east coast of Tassy.  When I asked David about the crossing, he explained that it was very enjoyable.  His approach is to avoid any time pressure, pay close attention to the weather forecasts (which he does using various methods, including the Windy App), watch the barometer and something quite novel, look out the window!  The first leg of their Bass Strait crossing was to Deal Island for a delightful overnight anchorage, then on to Lady Barron Island.  One addition David made to Calypso was Starlink offering the ability to check the weather forecast anywhere at any time.  One such forecast showed a weather window suggesting an overnight run to from Lady Baron to Hobart was the best option.  This proved to be a sound decision as they arrived ahead of some nasty weather.  When asked how the overnighters were David tells me the younger crew loved being at the helm, so he was happy to keep an eye on things and take time to relax in the salon.  David also told me how pleased he was with the fuel consumption.  His best has been 24lt per hour and 8.0kn with the average being around 20.4lt per hour at 7.5kn.

Basing Calypso in Hobart David had friends come and go and has also taken trips on his own.  He explains that he is now quite comfortable doing this but does take care and ensures he uses the technology and equipment on Calypso to his full advantage.  This includes the hydraulic bow and stern thrusters which enabled him to comfortably back into his berth during 35kn cross winds.  He loves the way his new boat behaves in all sorts of weather.  He also mentioned the hydraulic stabilizers and how effortlessly they keep Calypso steady while underway.  I asked David if he would make any changes to Calypso, and the one addition he spoke about was a diesel heater for a longer stay and trip up the west coast when he next visits Tassy.  So, what’s next for David and Calypso?  Currently he is heading north up the east coast to the Torres Strait.  He describes his love of the Torres Strait, the beautiful islands, wonderful people, and amazing cruising.  There is no doubt Calypso is doing exactly what she was built for – adventure.  Thanks for sharing your story David and we look forward to hearing more from you.

Jet Tern Marine is looking forward to synergy and teamwork with all Selene Dealers for a successful 2024

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